When I went public with my astrology practice I had to face a part of the online landscape I had done my best to avoid for several years – social media. As a practicing professional astrologer, a person running my own small business, I would need to use social media. Right?
But it fills me with a sense of dread.
So I keep coming up with excuses for not updating/checking/in any way engaging with the platforms on offer out there.
Let me explain. I personally don’t like social media. If the product is free you are the product. And these global hugely wealthy and hugely influential companies are using you and your time to enrich themselves. By tricking us to spend more time mindlessly scrolling they are generating data and revenue. They are mining us. And the feeling I get around this can probably best be summed up like this: “uuuughbleeeeeurgh”.
I resent the time I spend on these platforms. I resent the data collection and the ads and the recommended content flowing my way.
But. As a writer and a content creator I need to take my content to places where people can find it. At least that is how the thinking goes.
So I decided to bring my astrological lens to the world of social media. What can astrology tell us about the different social platforms and how to best use them.
Hopefully this can be a useful exercise for those of us who struggle with social media and want to use astrology to figure out which platform is right one for them.
It would of course be lovely if we could just forget about some of our more problematic platforms. And perhaps that time will come. The upcoming astrological weather, with Uranus moving into Gemini the sign of communication and the media, suggests some turbulence around how we communicate online. Platforms will fall and new ones will pop up. So hang on to your mailing lists guys.

The natal chart for the first post on Instagram has a Cancer Sun in the 8th house. Money.
This Sun forms a trine to Uranus and Jupiter in Aries on the IC, the point of home. And a sextile to Saturn and a Libra Moon near the Virgo Midheaven.
A flow between beauty and perfection (Libra and Virgo) and quickness (Aries). Insta-gram.
The chart to me suggests that this platform rewards those who dare to be different and stand out and who are also able to get innovative content out quickly – but, that content also needs to be visually pleasing. These two points and statements oppose each other, but flow well through that Cancer Sun – business, moneymen, advertising masquerading as your friendly aunt.
Which describes instagram pretty well. Because the content is often produced by an influencer, the friend beamed into your home, but the machinery and reality of money-making is hidden.
The chart ruler Jupiter sits in the 4th house of home, very close to the IC. That combined with the Cancer Sun might speak of the strangeness of social media – access to the whole world in your home, from the palm of your hand.
The ruler of that Sun is the Moon in Libra in the 10th. Ambition and ad-men.
Finally those points of fate, Pluto and the North Node, are located in the first house in Capricorn. The power of the individual. This is a platform through which ambitious individuals can rise to power.
How do they do it? With that mixture of beautiful imagery or a beautiful image and a fearlessness to put content out there that will stand out of the crowd.
Perhaps we didn’t need astrology to tell us that. But the astrological advice to those who want to use Instagram would be:
- Focus on the quality of the images and/or videos. It is a visual platform. This doesn’t mean it has to be perfect or “beautiful”, just impactful and visually pleasing in some way.
- Dare to be different and stand out.
- Realise it is ultimately a platform for advertisers to make money. It will try to draw you in with a false sense of intimacy and wants you to feel at home in your endless scroll, but behind it all it is all advertising.

The birth chart for Facebook is drawn up from its IPO in 2012. Here we have a money making Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Taurus in the 10th house and several grand trines in mostly earth and air signs – the flow of resources and information.
The most fascinating trine is between Venus in Gemini in the 11th house, Chiron and Neptune in Pisces in the 7th house and Saturn in the 3d house in Libra. Could there be any better placements to speak of communication between large groups and how the information shared is garbled, misinformed, leads to arguments and ultimately doesn’t help people see each other clearly.
I mean – Chiron and Neptune in Pisces in the 7th! A fogginess and a wounding around the other. A platform that messes with our ability to see each other and the world clearly.
Ok, so you might notice that I’m not a huge fan of Facebook. I know that there probably are many out there who have had deep and meaningful conversations on the platform and who have enjoyed their interactions with it. I am however deeply sceptical of it and the impact it has had on society as a whole.
The chart ruler is the Sun, with the Ascendant being Leo (look at me! the more shocking the better for the algorithm). And a Sun/Jupiter connection in Taurus can be all about the money.
Facebook in particular might be in for some big changes in the next few years as Pluto starts to square the natal Moon later this year from its 6th house. Expect mass lay-offs or big changes to its work force from the spring onward.
So how to use Facebook according to astrology?
- Do whatever you can to stand out form the crowd, the more eye catching and controversial the better, the algorithm will like this (I am not personally recommending you do this though)
- Keep plugging away at it. Slow and steady wins the race (Sun in Taurus).
- Connect with people, comment, discuss, share and do lots of it. Ideally get a bot army to do it for you.
X (formerly Twitter)

Here we have the birth chart for the first Tweet. Obviously the site has gone through a lot of changes lately after the take over by Elon Musk – which includes a name change. I think the original founding date in 2006 is still the most interesting to look at, mainly because the take over would have happened as Pluto crossed the Ascendant/Descendant axis of this chart.
Twitter was hugely important in driving social change in the late 2000s. It was used during the Arab Spring and fuelled protest movements around the world. It also became an important platform to go to for rapidly developing news – especially back in the day when we weren’t as clued up about the massive amounts of disinformation shared during these events.
Many people followed natural disasters and terror attacks in real time, shared by real people, through Twitter. This changed the nature of news.
This is beautifully expressed in the Aries Sun and North Node in the 9th house of publishing.
There is also a powerful aspect, a t-square, between Mars in Gemini in the 11th house (compared with Venus in the same placement in the Facebook chart), Pluto in Sagittarius in the 5th house and a Mercury/Uranus conjunction in Pisces in the 8th house.
It’s all there. Mars, the warrior, in the sign of communication in the house of groups. Compulsive and obsessive Pluto in sometimes opinionated, sometimes fanatical Sagittarius in the 5th house of hobbies and Mercury (communication)/Uranus (the maverick) in all encompassing, boundaryless Pisces in the 8th house of death, money and power.
Twitter, and X, has power. Big changes are coming up for this platform too. In May Neptune will start crossing the company’s natal Sun in Aries, bringing fogginess or dissolving something of its essence. With the Sun being in the 9th house it might be possible that more countries decide to ban X at this point.
From February 2026 Pluto will start to oppose Saturn in the first house of the platform’s natal chart from the 7th house of relationships (friends and enemies). This could force X to redefine what it is (Saturn in the first in Leo).
So how to best use X then according to astrology?
- Bravely comment on current affairs. Don’t be afraid of a fight and don’t back down.
- Be the keyboard warrior
- Have strong opinions, but actually it’s all just for a laugh, no actually not it’s very serious, but pretend its just for a laugh anyway
- Have an incredibly tough skin

This is a fascinating chart with lots of planets in the 5th house of creativity, fun – and children. Perhaps no wonder this is where generation Z and Alpha spend a lot of their time and this is where their celebrities come from too.
The Youtube chart has an almost exact Venus/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius in the 5th house and a Mercury/Sun conjunction in the same sign and house and then a straggler Uranus later in the same house, but in Pisces.
This shouts modern, innovative and digital from the rooftops. It describes an unusual and new way of creating and consuming content. The chart ruler is Venus in that same house – so this is all about fun and creativity. Jupiter sits in the first house – it is all about what’s popular.
And the Moon is in the 8th house in Taurus – money. And money squares the placements in the 5th house, the money is in conflict with the fun.
It’s interesting to note that Mr Beast, the multi-millionaire most successful YouTuber ever who supposedly spent years trying to crack the algorithm so he could make content that would be promoted, has his Sun and Mars in Taurus conjunct the Youtube chart’s Moon. He is tapping into the platform’s innate ability to make money.
How is it making this money? Now we’re back to the advertisers again, but at least on Youtube this is mostly pretty blatant and in your face. We know we are being advertised to.
Another famous YouTuber, Felix Kjellberg also known as Pewdiepie, is tapping into another part of the Youtube chart. His Jupiter sits right on top of the Youtube chart’s career point, the MC, in Cancer and his Neptune is right opposite on the IC in Capricorn. He also has his Mercury and Mars on Youtube’s lucky first house Jupiter.
That Cancer Midheaven also speaks of content beamed into the home of the consumer and the creators coming across more like friends and family, not distant celebrities. There is a homely vibe here, of everyone just hanging out together having some fun.
That ambitious Capricorn IC is hidden. These aren’t just real people after all.
So how to best use Youtube according to astrology:
- Have fun, be different, find your niche, find your hobby and other people to engage with around that hobby.
- Focus on the quality and presentableness of the content (Libra Ascendant)
- Come across as a friend, as if you’re at home with your audience, but protect yourself too, have firm boundaries (Saturn in the 10th)
- Ideally have a birth chart that taps into the money making and success placements in the Youtube chart*
*this is sarcasm in case it wasn’t clear.
Photo by Nadine Marfurt on Unsplash
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