What is next for Elon Musk according to astrology

He’s the world’s richest person – even wealthier than the incredibly rich robber barons of the 19th century – and he’s the so called first buddy. So what can astrology tell us about the rise of Elon Musk and what’s next for him.

It’s interesting that Elon Musk’s rise to power coincides with his Chiron return – one of the astrological milestones – when we are faced with our wounds and weaknesses in our early fifties.

Elon Musk’s Chiron sits in the 9th house in Aries – a Chiron that speaks of a wounding around being the pioneer in a foreign land. His family emigrated to South Africa, a country that was segregated and suffered from deep inequalities. He moved to the US – a country where those same wounds around equality and civil rights lie closer to the surface than many might want to acknowledge.

And the US has almost exactly the same Chiron placement as Elon Musk. It is just a few degrees later in Aries and in the 4th house of home in the country’s birth chart. His wound is also the nation’s wound.

Musk has amazing synastry with the US. His Sun is exactly conjunct the country’s Jupiter, his Ascendant and Mercury are on the US’s natal Cancer Sun. He embodies and gives a voice to an aspect of the country.

That American Cancer Sun forms an exact square to Saturn in the 10th house. If the country was a person this could speak of someone who cares deeply about relationships, but struggles to express it fully because of burdens and/or an ambition related to status.

So Elon Musk embodies the US’s need to care and perhaps also to meddle. Cancerians can sometimes be quite self-interested and are often willing to go to great lengths to protect those they care about, those in the inner circle.

What is Elon Musk doing at the moment? He is throwing his weight around, he is commenting on, trolling, governments in Europe. Is he speaking for America? There are probably many in the country who agree with him, even though much of what he says is either ill-informed or actual misinformation.

Part of the astrological reason for his rise to power is his synastry with the country he now speaks for. But Pluto might also have had a role to play. As it’s traveled through the late degrees of Capricorn over the last few years it has sent a positive sextile to his career point, the Midheaven, from his 7th house of relationships. His connections have been crucial to his success.

When Pluto is involved it means the fates are playing a part in this – exactly how this story ends remains to be seen though. What we are seeing now is the rise. And Pluto has been generous. It has also sextiled Elon Musk’s lucky money making Jupiter in Scorpio in the 5th house of the gambler, trined his natal power-player Pluto in the 3rd house of communication and is now moving to a trine with his natal Saturn in the 11th house of groups – leadership.

The astrology suggests this has been a lucky period for the so called chief troll officer.

But what’s next?

Pluto’s journey through Aquarius over the next twenty years will reveal what the fates have planned for him. And just to caveat this, I’m not a fatalist, I believe we can bargain with the Gods and the choices we make are important, but as with many famous people a larger story is playing out through Elon Musk. He has chosen to play that role and that sometimes means being swept along by forces beyond his control.

An astrologer might tell Elon Musk to watch out. His natal Sun is in his 12th house. That can sometimes speak of a spiritual person, a person connected to something larger than just the mundane. It is also a house that was traditionally linked with prisons and hospitals.

When the Soviet Union fell many people feasted on the ruins and took the country’s wealth as their own. They became the oligarchs and the story didn’t end happily for many of them. Those who disagreed with Vladimir Putin or were seen to have become too powerful ended up dead or in prison.

Donald Trump has often expressed his admiration for Vladimir Putin. Someone like Elon Musk might want to study the story of the oligarchs who flew too close to the sun. As the fates lift you up they can also tear you down.

In about four years transiting Pluto will start to form the apex of a yod with Elon Musk’s natal Sun and Moon. This is another astrological pattern that speaks of the Gods playing a part in the story. This aspect is also called an inconjunct, it can be difficult, uncomfortable and sometimes speaks of endings.

At the same time Pluto will cross the US’s South Node in the 2nd house of finances and security, sextiling revolutionary Uranus in the 6th house. This is a transit that could speak of financial turmoil causing an uprising of some kind. The US will also have its Uranus return, the last time this happened was at the end of World War Two, the time before that was during the Civil War.

During this period and the years that follow Chiron and then Saturn will cross Elon Musk’s career point the Midheaven. Revolutionary Uranus will square his Moon from the 11th house of the people.

Then Pluto moves on to a conjunction with his point of fate, the North Node, and Mars in the complex 8th house in the 2030s.

These could all be challenging transits – but as always with astrology there are also constructive ways to consciously work with them. If I was Elon Musk’s personal peppy astrologer I would suggest that he is now entering a period that will allow him to become even wealthier. In March he will have a progressed New Moon conjunct progressed Venus in his second house of finances. This is the start of a new thirty year chapter in his life. For some reason the fates are clearly pushing him towards incredible wealth.

But why? It doesn’t always end well for the people who throughout history have gone down this path. Astrologers have long spoken about Pluto in Aquarius being a time of revolutions. The last time Pluto worked his way through the sign of the people gross inequality lead to the wealthy being beheaded during the French revolution.

It doesn’t have to end that way this time. But that means those involved in this particular play by the fates have to make enlightened choices and think about what is best for the people (Aquarius) – all of the people – not just the ones that are part of the inner circle. The people might of course also have a say in this, and they have a will of their own.

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