The British royal family is going to be shaken to its core by the astrological weather during 2025 and 2026. The events during the next two years are going to affect all of them and have an impact on the UK as a whole.
This is a continuation of the events last year when various health issues and conspiracy theories relating to Kate Middleton lead to another period of heightened interest in the royal family.
In January 2024 the palace announced that King Charles was being treated for cancer. Later the same month Kate, or Catherine as she is known as now, was taken into hospital for unspecified abdominal surgery. She then disappeared from public view for a few weeks which lead to an avalanche of conspiracy theories and online sleuthing related to her health and her marriage.
On the 22nd of March she released a statement saying she had been treated for cancer and the speculations mostly died down.
That was two days before a lunar eclipse at 5 degrees Libra. This was the beginning. What we are seeing this year and the next are the following acts of this story.
Several members of the royal family have placements in the early degrees of fixed signs – which will now be pinged by powerful Pluto moving into Aquarius. Especially four degrees seem to be a particularly sensitive point for many.
But Pluto, the planet of the fates, is only one part of the story. Several of the outer planets move signs this year. They are power players in astrology, they move slowly and when they form an aspect to a point in our natal charts we tend to feel it.
The royal family will be affected by the outer planets changing signs. And it will affect all of them, not just the family members in the UK. Prince Harry and Meghan are also particularly sensitive to this astrological weather, as is the UK’s natal chart.
There are some ethical questions around going into what this might actually mean. These people might be royalty – and astrologers have written about royalty since day one – but they are also just people.
My personal view is to take a step back from predictions relating to the lifespan and health of people in the public eye. It isn’t a nice thing to do and it also gives the astrologer more power than he or she deserves or should take upon themselves.
The astrological weather affecting the royal family during the next two years does speak of change and upheaval, but this can manifest in a myriad of different ways. When looking at the transits it seems like the underlying theme here might be the media storm, not the health of the family members.

So what can we expect to see in 2025 and 2026?
It could all start around another eclipse – this one a lunar eclipse on the 29th of March at 9 degrees Aries.
Eclipses were momentous events in ancient times and they have traditionally been connected to the rise and fall of kings and leaders.
The royal family also seem to be particularly sensitive to eclipses. Both Prince William and Kate Middleton were born on an eclipse so their birth charts would also naturally resonate more strongly with eclipses.
The eclipse on the 29th will oppose Prince William’s Mars from his 3d house of siblings and the media. His Mars, his inner warrior, is in the 9th house of foreign places and philosophy. Could it mean a clash of views, playing out in the media?
This is the start of a massive astrological period for William as Neptune, the planet that dissolves, will square his Moon and then Sun from his third house and Pluto will square his status point, the Midheaven, from his first house.
A square can be a challenging aspect, it forces us to grow – often because of something happening outside of us, sometimes someone or something challenging us.
This eclipse affects his brother Harry too, but he might have an easier time as it will trine his Uranus in the 11th house of groups and sextile his Chiron in Gemini the 5th house of childhood, love affairs and children. These aspects speak of an easy flow. Will the flood gates open for Harry? Will he take to social media (or something similar) with that maverick Uranus and speak about some wounding in his childhood (Chiron in the 5th) to a large audience? The eclipse happens in his second house of finances, so it is possible that there is some financial reward in this for him.
This eclipse is opposite Kate Middleton’s Mars in Libra in the third house of the media, with transiting Mars on her destiny point the North Node, conjunct her Moon and opposing her Sun on the day of the eclipse.
When the Nodes are involved it often suggests that there is a larger story at play behind all of this. Perhaps an ancestral theme is coming out at this time – and she is part of it. The points in her chart that are affected during the eclipse are very close to Queen Elizabeth’s Ascendant/Descendant axis at 21 degrees Capricorn/Cancer. So whatever happens could also reverberate back through time.
The eclipse will be huge for King Charles too, as it’s very close to his career point. the Midheaven. Pluto has already squared his Moon and is moving towards the sensitive 4/5 degrees in his chart when it will square his Nodes and cross his Descendant in February 2026.
The epic-ness of the astrology here shouldn’t be underestimated. The king is a symbol of the country, of its people, and whatever befalls him also affects the whole country. His chart carries with it the echoes of those who came before him and it is also linked with the chart of the UK itself.
The astrological weather also affects his wife, who astonishingly has almost exactly the same Midheaven and Ascendant as Charles. The eclipse on the 29th will be opposite her Neptune in the third house – so the media might be part of the story for her too. It also squares her Moon and Neptune in the 12th house and trines her Saturn in the first house. A more complicated picture, suggesting it will activate her fiery and steely Saturn in Leo, which is a very visible side of her personality, but might also cause her private pain.
The other (ex)-royal wife, Meghan Markle, also has almost exactly the same Aries Midheaven and Descendant/Ascendant axis as her father- and mother-in-law. So this eclipse will also be on her career point, with Mars on her Cancer Ascendant.
The eclipse opposes Meghan’s Moon/Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in Libra in the third house, a very significant placement in her chart that will get a helpful trine from Pluto when the planet of the fates starts to square and challenge many in the royal family.
Will she be the power player that sets the whole thing off?
Early 2025 Pluto will cross her South Node, the point that can stand for an ancestral wounding (or a past life wounding according to some). Could that be a clue to the larger story here? Some astrologers have suggested that Meghan is a reincarnated Anne Boleyn coming to seek revenge on the royal family.
Symbolically that is interesting, but the Windsors are not direct descendants of Henry VIII.
The simplest explanation to the meaning behind all of this might be to look at the story so far. What is the thing coming up again and again with Meghan, Harry and the royal family? Depending on where you stand on the political spectrum it can be described as either a story of racism and institutional oppression or a story of over-zealous wokery.
But underneath all of this is an undercurrent, a slow moving theme connected to racism, oppression and imperialism. It is a story that has slowly been developing over the last century – with flash points and sudden breakthroughs.
The royal family is part of this story, because for better or worse they still represent the British Empire.

Starting in March 2025 everyone in the family will have a role to play in this drama. It will unfold over the next two years, possibly leading to a permanent change to the royal family and how it is seen by the public – possibly even affecting how the UK is seen by the world.
This eclipse on the 29th of March is significant for the UK too. It falls on the Descendant of the 1801 birth chart, with Mars on the UK’s prominent 10th house Moon and Pluto opposing the country’s Jupiter from the 4th house of the structures of the nation.
Astrologers’ have long predicted that William will be the last King of the UK. Stranger things have happened and we live in turbulent and unpredictable times.
If this is the end of the line for the monarchy as we know it then the beginning of that story will start in 2025 and 2026 with Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
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